
Blogger Buster - Must Read For Every Noob Blogger

Talk about the most extensive Blogger Guide on the internet. Amanda Fazani, the author of this blog has gone beyond extensive.

This blog is a gem for any Noob Blogger such as I. In it you'll find all kinds of tips, tricks and helps that will turn your free Blogger into a much, much more professional looking blog such as the internet world has never seen.

Okay, so I am getting a tad bit over enthusiastic here but I've got to tell you, this is truly a must read.

Amanda details each tip so well that any Noob even one as technophobic as me could implement detail html codes that literally transforms your Blogger.

The link to Amanda blog is here: Blogger Buster and I definitely recommend subscribing to it.


david santos said...

Hello, Timothy!
I loved this post and this blog.
Terima kasih

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