
Life After Wealthy Affiliates

Discovering Squidoo really changed my cyber life. For someone who knew nuts about Internet Marketing or even setting up webpages, Squidoo was a breath of fresh air and a sigh of relief.

It is just so easy setting up a lens on Squidoo. Lenses are what webpages are called on Squidoo. Basically all you need to do is pick modules that you'd like to include in your lens, type your article or story and publish it. It's that simple.

The modules on Squidoo are extremely varied and user friendly. Where once I used to wrestle with my PC when putting up something as simple as a Youtube video on my website, with Squidoo all you need to do is paste the Youtube url code and that's it. The video gets posted on your lens immediately, no hassle.

For people who'd like to make a few extra bucks, they even have Amazon, Ebay, Cafepress and other modules that search out products based on what you're writing and you earn the commissions.

On top of all that, Squidoo also shares some of their advertising profits with you.

If you're like me wanting to start of Internet Marketing and looking for somewhere F.R.E.E. to post your articles without having some Jimbo tell you it's too long, too short, too spammy, too much affiliate links and all that other BS that some article sites (I'm not naming names.....EzineArticles, Buzzle, Hubpages) throw at you then Squidoo is the site for you.

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