
How To Select The Right Fish Tank Filter

How To Select The Right Fish Tank Filter: "Choosing the right fish tank filter for you is also a matter of personal choice. While different types of filters function is different ways, they all perform the same functions which is to filter the water of debris and externals that would reduce the water quality."

How To Change Water In Your Aquarium

How To Change Water In Your Aquarium: "No matter how great you feel your filter may be nothing beats a water change to restore the fish tank back to livable conditions. Try to imagine what life would be for you if you were locked in a room with conditioned air but no way of getting fresh air from outside."


Choosing The Right Fish Tank Filters

Choosing The Right Fish Tank Filters

Choosing The Right Fish Tank Filters: "Without using proper fish tank filters, the water in your tank will be stagnant, cloudy and make it almost impossible for your fish to live well. This video guides you on choosing the right fish tank filters to suit your need. Visit http://fish-tank-filters.org/choosing-the-right-fish-tank-filters/ for the full article."


Flowerhorn Breeding For Beginners

Flowerhorn Breeding For Beginners: "Flowerhorns breed year round. No external stimuli are needed for Flowerhorn breeding purposes, but you must place the Flowerhorn breeding pair in a clean, big tank."

Getting Off On The Right Foot: Salt Water Fish Tank Setup

Getting Off On The Right Foot: Salt Water Fish Tank Setup: "From small one-quart bowls to 55-gallon aquariums and numerous sizes in between, a salt water fish tank needs proper care to keep their inhabitants alive and well."

Tamiya RC Cars Review: Tamiya Sand Scorcher

Tamiya RC Cars Review: Tamiya Sand Scorcher: "First introduced on December 15, 1979, Tamiya Sand Scorcher high level of detail and realism make it one of the most sought-after vintage R/C models today."

RC Nitro Cars: When Having The Fastest RC Car Matters

RC Nitro Cars: When Having The Fastest RC Car Matters: "Once you get your hands on RC Nitro Cars, you ll never want to look at their electric rivals again. RC Nitro Cars are what true hobbyist look for when they want the ultimate adrenaline rush."


RC Gas Cars - Just Like Driving A Real Car

RC Gas Cars - Just Like Driving A Real Car: "Apart from fuel type, RC Gas Cars are generally much bigger than RC Nitro Cars due to the larger engine that RC Gas Cars carry."


Electric Blue Cichlid - Proper Care and Feeding

Electric Blue Cichlid - Proper Care and Feeding: "It is really effortless to care and provide proper nourishment for your electric blue cichlid, just follow these simple guidelines and enjoy your day with the site of these vividly bright and stunning species."

Why I Buy My Fish Tank Filters Online

Why I Buy My Fish Tank Filters Online: "One of the best places to find replacement fish tank filters is the internet. You will be surprised by the number of on-line retailers that are out there that carry the specific brand and type of filter that you use."


How to Change Water in Your Aquarium

How to Change Water in Your Aquarium: "Changing the water in your aquarium is a crucial step in ensuring that your fish survive and thrive in the enclosed environment your have created for them. Learn the right steps to take when changing the aquarium water here."


The Different Types of Filter Media and What They Do

The Different Types of Filter Media and What They Do: "Choosing the right filter media will ensure that the water in your fish tank under goes proper filtration. There are many different types of filter media sold today and here we will learn of the most common types as well as their functions."

The Best Way to Reduce Nitrate in a Fish Tank

The Best Way to Reduce Nitrate in a Fish Tank: "Through long term exposure to high levels of nitrate, the stress that is placed on the fish will cause them to be more susceptible to disease and will also lower their chances of reproduction. Learn the easiest way to reduce nitrate levels in your fish tank here."


Can Two Canister Filters Be Used In One Fish Tank?

Can Two Canister Filters Be Used In One Fish Tank?: "Honestly, no two fish enthusiasts will ever agree on whether it is a good idea or not to have two canister filters in one tank. That question has been argued about since canister filters were invented. Instead of taking sides, this article will look at the effects of having two canister filters in one fish tank and will leave it to you to decide"


How to quit Smoking

"Easier than I have always imagined"

How I did it: I bought an Electronic Cigarette and started using it.  That's it, as easy as that.  The e-cig just took over from the cigarette and I encountered zero withdrawal symptoms.

It took me 18 years.

It made me Extremely happy


Build Your Internet Business Like McDonalds

This is an excellent article. This is what I keep telling everyone about. Internet Marketing is not about making a couple of extra bucks. It's a legitimate business which deserves to be treated like one.

"I was reviewing one of my favorite books the other day and it reminded me that we really should all be building out internet businesses just like Ray Crock did at McDonalds. Of course, the book I’m talking about is The eMyth by Michael Gerber. Actually, the latest version is called The eMyth Revisted.
A lot of people mistakenly believe that The eMyth is about the electronics age, or email, or ecommerce, but actually E is for entrepreneurial myth. In The eMyth Gerber goes through an example of how McDonalds was able to franchise its business all across the world and the systems they used to do that.
As a matter of fact, Gerber points out that a new McDonalds franchise opens somewhere in the world every eight minutes. This is truly remarkable and only possible because the McDonalds business is completely systemized.
Every tiny detail that is involved in running a McDonalds is documented in McDonalds’ procedure manuals. How big the hamburgers should be, what the buns should look like, how thick the patties should be, they even have a procedure for where the pickles go. Crock recognized that if you place the pickles in a particular configuration you could keep them from falling off of the hamburger into the customer’s lap, therefore increasing customer satisfaction.
All of these tiny details are precisely documented in McDonalds’ procedure manuals. The impact of this careful documentation is twofold. One, it makes McDonalds run like a finely oiled machine. It gives consistency of experience at every McDonalds that you go to. In fact, I’ve been to McDonalds in Tokyo and Korea, in Texas, in Tennessee, they’re all the same.
Actually, as a side note, McDonalds in Tokyo also serves noodles, which kind of freaked me out a little bit, but that’s neither here nor there."
Read more here.


Internet Marketing as a business

Looking back at the two years that I have been doing Internet Marketing, I feel amazed sometimes at how much I have grown. When I first began selling online it was with the intention of making a couple of extra bucks. These days my focus is more on building a legitimite business that will free me from the rat race and ultimately make me financially independant.

I have had a number of wonderful gurus as mentors throughout this journey. It all began with a book I read called "Earning US Dollars in Your Pyjamas" by Sensze. That book introduced me to the possiblilities of an online income. Later, while browsing the web I stumbled upon Travis Sago and his Bum Marketing method and that took me to a new level. I began my first steps in earning a food side income from Article Marketing with my main platform being Squidoo. Eventually I joined Niche Rockets and got to know Scot Sandke, a wonderfully generous guru who was always feeding his subscriber with suggested niches and wonderful tools and tips that began to spur me to newer heights. It is thru Niche Rockets that I began to seriously think of Internet Marketing as a business. My present guru is Jim Morris and the things that I am learning now is setting the foundation for a more permenant and secure business.

If I could give just one advice for anyone looking into making a living online it would be to never ever ever give up. What you are doing right now may seem like a waste of time but just keep chugging along and someday soon your efforts will pay off.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


How to get my driving license

"This is one of the most satisfying experience for me."

How I did it: I finally made up my mind to get it done.  I paid for the driving lessons and went for every session dilligently and paid close attention to what my instructor taught me.  On the test day, I kept calm and kept projecting that I would pass the test in my mind.  I kept this calm state of mind throughout the whole test and managed to breeze through without any hiccups.

Lessons & tips: The only important thing to remember is to keep calm.  It's not as hard as you think and it is only your state of mind that makes it seem hard.

It took me 11 years.

It made me Extremely Happy


Avatar Movie Review

We humans are at it again. After completely plundering our world of its resources, humans have travelled to a planet far away they call Pandoria to mine an extremely precious mineral. The problem is that the biggest deposit lies under a tree home to an indigenous tribe known as the Na'vi. In comes Jake Scully, a crippled ex-marine who is drafted into the Avatar programme where his consciousness is transferred into a genetically modified clone of a Na;vi bearing his likeness. His purpose is to integrate himself into the Na'vi society, to learn their weakness and try to convince them to leave their tree home so that the greedy humans can plunder the mineral. But all goes wrong when he starts taking a liking to a Na'vi princess and their way of life.

Without spoiling too much of the plot, here's a trailer of the movie and a piece of advice: If you're gonna watch one movie this year, watch Avatar. Believe me, it's worth it and this coming from a guy who has watched it half a dozen times already.

But think about it for a second. What really is the thrill of the movie that has drawn in millions of dollars within a few days of it hitting the big screens? Is it those big blue people, I doubt it or the Smurfs would have had a bigger following. You could say it was the stunning graphics and flawless CGI. But aren't we at a stage of cinematics advancement that we've come to expect such perfection from Hollywood? No, it goes more deeper than that.

What would make us cheer so loudly when these aliens shoot their oversized arrows into a soldier? What would make us weep so much when we watch their tree home burn or shake our fist in anger as the bulldozers tear down the plants?

We see in ourselves the greed of the corporation. We see in our very own souls the very evil that the hired guns visited upon the Na'vi as they killed them mercilessly. We see our own selves there and we hate what we see. Then we look at the Na'vi and we see something that we wish we were or wish we could be.

Face it. Humanity has come to a stage where we have begun to despise our own selves to a point where seeing another race killing and beating us is actually fulfilling. We have begun to hate who we are and are spiraling on a death wish that can only end with either a change of who we are or annihilation.

Whatever the case, it looks like Hollywood has realised this too. We can look forward to more enjoyable films where the evil humans lose and the good aliens triumph over us.