
Internet Marketing as a business

Looking back at the two years that I have been doing Internet Marketing, I feel amazed sometimes at how much I have grown. When I first began selling online it was with the intention of making a couple of extra bucks. These days my focus is more on building a legitimite business that will free me from the rat race and ultimately make me financially independant.

I have had a number of wonderful gurus as mentors throughout this journey. It all began with a book I read called "Earning US Dollars in Your Pyjamas" by Sensze. That book introduced me to the possiblilities of an online income. Later, while browsing the web I stumbled upon Travis Sago and his Bum Marketing method and that took me to a new level. I began my first steps in earning a food side income from Article Marketing with my main platform being Squidoo. Eventually I joined Niche Rockets and got to know Scot Sandke, a wonderfully generous guru who was always feeding his subscriber with suggested niches and wonderful tools and tips that began to spur me to newer heights. It is thru Niche Rockets that I began to seriously think of Internet Marketing as a business. My present guru is Jim Morris and the things that I am learning now is setting the foundation for a more permenant and secure business.

If I could give just one advice for anyone looking into making a living online it would be to never ever ever give up. What you are doing right now may seem like a waste of time but just keep chugging along and someday soon your efforts will pay off.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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