
I Got Blocked By Wordpress.com

I recently changed tactics and strategies for mt Internet Marketing venture. I have been creating websites on the internet for over 5 years but the income that I have received was less than satisfactory, to a point where I had actually given up for a couple of months. Recently I stumbled upon The Smart Passive Income blog by Pat Flynn and he re-kindled the drive to seek an online business in me. But I wanted a way to be able to monitor my progress and at the same time document what I am doing. So recently I began a free blog on Wordpress.com with the sole purpose of documenting my work. Though it contains not a single advert or affiliate link, today it got blocked. So I will be moving all the posts from Wordpress to here. Blogger has never failed me, I should have just journaled here instead from the start. The next couple of posts you will see here are from the old blog. Tim

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